Link Destination Check Tool

Link Destination Check Tool

This tool lists the links residing in a PDF file for a visual and efficient check of link destinations.

  • Because the link source and the link destination are shown on the same window, you can efficiently check the link destination without going back to the page of the link source.
  • The toggle button switches the display of the link source and the link destination from top-and-bottom to side-by-side, and vice versa. The side-by-side display lets you check the position within the page of the link source page.
  • Using only the up-arrow and down-arrow keys enables the viewing of each link and its destination one by one. A feature that uses a timer to automatically move the display is also available.
  • A list of link sources and their destinations can be exported to an Excel file with image captures.
  • There are three options for links to be listed in the window or exported to Excel: all links; internal links only; and external links only.

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